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What You Should Know About Life Insurance

Car Insurance… Check.

Homeowners Insurance… Check.

Life Insurance… OH NO!

No one wants to think about this type of insurance cause it relates with death and what happens after you’re gone. But this is exactly why people get life insurance. You want to know that even after you’re gone that your loved ones will be taken care of as you would if you were here. How and where do you start? Speaking with an insurance agent is a great start, but even then you’ll want to do some research that way you’re not going in blind. We are giving a small overview of important information that will help alleviate some of the uncertainties with life insurance.


What are your needs – This is where you begin. Insurance agents like to sit down and talk with you. They know what questions to ask to ensure that you are getting the right policy for you. Here are questions you can ask yourself so when an agent begins you will be prepared:

• How much income do you provide?
• Do you have any dependents? Their education?
• Will your spouse continue to work? Or start working?
• How much debt do you currently have?

These questions and more will help the agent determine what type and how much of life insurance you will need. They will be able to calculate what your premium payments will roughly be. Ensure that if you plan to purchase the life insurance policy that you can afford the payments. This is detrimental as a lapse in payment may result in a loss of the policy. Find out if the policy you choose will have an increase in your premium as you age? Will you then be able to afford it?

REVIEW! – We cannot put more emphasis on reviewing your potential policy. You need to know exactly what you are purchasing. And after you purchase your policy, you’re still not done. As time goes by, you will change and so will your policy or program. Any kind of major-life events should be brought to your agent’s attention as well.

Now don’t let any of this discourage you. Any questions or concerns can and will be answered by any of our agents. We are he to help every step of the way!

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